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Shadi Yog Dosh Nivaran Yagna | Havan

Shadi Yog Dosh Nivaran Yagna | Havan

Regular price Rs. 7,500.00
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Marriage Yoga Dosha Nivaran Yajna is a special Vedic ritual performed to remove obstacles in marriage caused by doshas (flaws) present in the birth chart. This yajna strengthens the marital yoga and helps in achieving a happy and balanced married life with a life partner.

What is Marriage Yoga Dosha Nivaran Yajna?

When a person’s birth chart has planetary doshas such as Manglik dosha, Shani dosha, Rahu-Ketu dosha, or the influence of malefic planets in the 7th house, these doshas can cause delays, failures, or disturbances in marital life. In such cases, the Marriage Yoga Dosha Nivaran Yajna is performed to calm these doshas. This yajna involves invoking deities and chanting special mantras.

Benefits of Marriage Yoga Dosha Nivaran Yajna:

  • Removal of Marriage Obstacles:
    This yajna removes the obstacles in marriage by calming the doshas present in the birth chart.

  • Solution for Planetary Doshas:
    It reduces the effects of doshas like Manglik dosha, Shani dosha, Rahu-Ketu dosha, and other planetary doshas.

  • Quick and Auspicious Marriage:
    This yajna helps in attracting good marriage proposals and creates favorable conditions for a quick marriage.

  • Infusion of Positive Energy:
    It brings positive energy into life, providing mental peace and balance.

  • Peace and Harmony in Marital Life:
    This yajna aids in increasing love, understanding, and harmony in married life.

  • Family Blessings and Support:
    The effects of this yajna increase feelings of cooperation and blessings within the family.

  • Improvement in Karma and Destiny:
    This yajna helps improve a person’s karma and destiny, leading to success in marital life.

Materials Used in Marriage Yoga Dosha Nivaran Yajna:

  • Havan Kund and Mango Wood
  • Cow Ghee, Kumkum, and Akshat (unbroken rice)
  • Navgrah Dosh Shanti Materials
  • Materials for Worship of Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi, and Lord Shiva
  • Betel nut, Coconut, and Flowers
  • Special Mantras for calming the doshas of the 7th house

When and Where Should This Yajna Be Performed?

  • This yajna should be performed on an auspicious muhurat (time).
  • It can be performed at a sacred place, such as a temple or a home prayer space.
  • Performing this yajna under the guidance of a qualified pandit is more effective.


When performed with devotion and following the proper rituals, Marriage Yoga Dosha Nivaran Yajna brings its full benefits to the individual. This yajna is especially beneficial for those who are experiencing repeated obstacles in marriage or those who wish for peace in their marital life.

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